Thursday, January 12, 2006

Weekend Outing

Wanted to give a small post about Denise, Isaac, Leo and my adventures this last weekend. After a Christmas full of electronic gifts, we spent the entire time outside. We found a state park less than 10 minutes from our house, and spent more than 5 hours hiking. Christian, Faith, and Brian (eventually) are going to love this adventure.

The next day Isaac and I hiked while Denise had to work :( After several hours of treking around the Woodland's woodlands, we found a dog park. What a great time Leo had here frolicking with the other dogs of all shape and color. Isaac and I just sat down in the middle and enjoyed all of the free kisses (we're starting to call Isaac the dog whisperer). We had so much fun, we took Denise back when she got off work.

Finally Isaac got his first chance to go ice skating at a friend's birthday. It reminded me of our skating in Austin. Mental note to self, bring an extra pair of pants to our next ice skating party.

sorry no pictures, we were mearly enjoying the moments, most of which were totally unplanned and spontaneous - the very best kind.


BrotherSister said...

Oh, it sounds wonderful! I haven't taken the kids ice skating--strange after having lived in Korea and New York, both of which have outdoor ice skating rinks in the winter. Maybe we'll try it one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Ice skating--yea! There are two permanent rinks here in Austin and the new Whole Foods has an outdoor one on the top of their roof for awhile. Maybe we could go next time everyone is here--another adventure. BH