Thursday, January 26, 2006

Rudy's Vacation Description

How interesting it is to hear an author describe their simple vacation. Here's my favorite part, it even reminds me of Dr. George's discussion of running.
I relish the peace of the woods, the intensely blue sky, the thin, icy air, the deep breathing and steady muscular work, the solitude, the low-level problem-solving of routing, the views of the white Sierra peaks, the boulders capped with snow, the reddish-barked pines with icicles dangling from their branch-tips.


Anonymous said...

I like simple vacations too, but I like mine in the warm sun and near the water. ...but doesn't he paint a serne picture? BH

BrotherSister said...

It does sound beautiful, but cold! Christian would love it! By the way, I can make reservations for July for BLORA starting on Feb. 1st if anyone is still interested. Just let me know and I can give a call to see if any cabins are available.