Monday, February 28, 2005

DNA and Isaac's Latest Masterpiece

Isaac'sMasterPiece 022705
It was on this day in 1953 that James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of the DNA molecule, which became the key to understanding how all organisms pass genetic information onto their offspring. James Watson was only 23 years old at the time. Crick was older, but he hadn't even finished his PhD. They were working in a lab in Cambridge, England, where they didn't even have the right equipment to examine DNA. That equipment was located at King's College in London. Watson tried to get a job there by setting his sister up with one of the King's College scientists, but it didn't work out.


Anonymous said...

Is it scary to imagine what genetic information I have passed on to you and Nancy?? BH

Mark said...

Maybe scary? But also awesome

Anonymous said...

Now I see your artistic rendering, Isaac. Very nice. Gammy