Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Celebration: Independence Day

Fantastic celebration with a few 100,000 of our closest friends and neighbors of Houston at the Freedom Over Texas Concert.

Important reminder by the mayor of our city that we were celebrating Independence Day not the 4th day of July.

My favorite moment was singing "God Bless America" with all of my neighbors watching "happy face" and "firefly" fireworks. Life Is Good!

1 comment:

BrotherSister said...

We had a great night, too. After a fun movie night we were putting the kids to bed. Then, unbeknownst to us, the fireworks started, quite literlly in our backyard. We did let all the kids get out of bed and sit out on the porch watching them. They had them set up for the country club on the golf course hole that's directly behind our house. We could even see them being lit. It was a fantastic show, but louder than I've ever heard before!