Thursday, May 27, 2010

I recently ran across a blog Tiny Buddha- Simple wisdom for Complex Lives. It contains such interesting life topics.

One thought to ponder:

"Telling someone you love them, not because you want to hear it back, but because you feel it too deeply not to express it. Because expressing it makes you happy."

Today I tell you my Lover, my soul mate, my best friend, and life partner that I adore you and love you to my inner core. I see your beautiful smiling face and it fills me with a strong Spirit that I can only equate to my Higher Being. I see the magic in life when you are by my side.

Te Amo Corazon.

1 comment:

BrotherSister said...

I'm so thankful, too, that I'm married to someone who lights up my world everytime he walks in the door. After fifteen years of marriage, it thrills my heart just to be near him. I thank God for his love everyday!

Love, Nancy