Wednesday, January 27, 2010

School: Don't Feed The Lizzard Brain

More thoughts from Seth Godin and his new book Linchpin. Here's a poster he put on Scribd. I suppose we are feeding into this scam with Isaac; however, I'm not sure how else to go about it outside of encouraging curiosity and creativity whenever possible.

Linchpin: School Is A Scam

1 comment:

BrotherSister said...

Hmm, I'll have to think this over. I was encouraging Brian to scribble all over a page today. If nothing else, he sure enjoyed it! But, I suppose we do a lot of rule following, as well, though not in the same way as you might see in a traditional classroom. I certainly want the kids to be able to think differently than the masses. Just because something is "common" doesn't mean it's the best way to do things. I think discusing ideas and different ways to look at things is crucial.