Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama's Inauguration Speech

Unbelievably, Isaac told me he had not watched any of this at school. We will review later, but an amazing moment.


Anonymous said...

I'm very surprised that the school saw none of it--maybe it's because I work in a high school where all rooms, including offices, had the TV on for the inauguration and were given NPR lessons to use with it. Well, maybe you can assure that he sees at least part of one of the most historic moments of my lifetime, my children's lifetime and my grandchildren's lifetime. At their age, this is one of the first presidents that they will remember growing up. Mom/Gammy

BrotherSister said...

We had the television on most of the morning and evening watching inaugural stuff and the kids really enjoyed seeing it. They even stood up for the national anthem in the living room. It threw our school work for a bit of a loop that day, but well worth it!

Faith was disappointed with the ball. She was thinking it should have been much more classical, and at the White House. Something more akin to Cinderella, I guess. :)

Love you guys!