GeekDad put out a kid's books of the decade list. Looks like various ages, but certainly a slant towards fantasy and science fiction.
Also quote of the day from George Washington. "Better to offer no excuse than a bad one." Seems true for many things; from telling your parents how the hole managed to find its way into the wall, to telling your customer how you mishandled their order.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Reading: GeekDad Reading List
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Music: Norah Jones Album
Denise has enjoyed the previous Norah Jones albums, here is the All Songs Considered interview on The World Cafe. Personally, it doesn't seem to have the same groove to it.
Work: Different Kinds Of Work
Fantastic post from Seth Godin. Do creative work, I love it. Do it with a smile on your face.
If your boss asks you to move a box from point a to point b, it's probably not okay to say, "I don't feel like it right now."
If you work on the chain gang and it's time to dig a ditch, you don't get a reprieve if you roll your eyes and say, "that's not what they pay me for."
And if you're a dishwasher, you don't get a chance to say, "I guess I'm just not the kind of person who's good at putting his hands into really hot soapy water all day."
And yet.
And yet when we ask you to look people in the eye, be creative, brainstorm, be generous, find a way to satisfy an angry customer, work with a bully, learn a new skill or bring joy to work, suddenly the excuses pile up. Is this a different sort of work? Is raising your hand in class too much to ask of you?
The jobs most of us would like to have are jobs like this. And yet we put up a fight when given the chance to do them well.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Birthday: Happy Birthday Christian

Happy Birthday Christian, thought you might appreciate some old school Atari video games on your lunch break. Isaac and I like Crystal Castle the best, wonder what your favorite is?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Presentations: Author Report - Mary Pope Osborn
Denise and I got to attend Isaac's Author Report presentation this morning. The author he presented on was Mary Pope Osborn, the author of the Magic Tree House series. The presentation was a small piece of a larger research project based on the district's IIM (Independent Investigation Method).
The most striking aspect of the children's presentation was the huge accumulation of interdisciplinary teachers involved in a single class project. The group of specialists included the English teacher, Librarian, Art, Computer Specialist, and Gifted and Talented Coordinator.
Isaac did an admirable job with his own presentation, speaking audibly (tough for 3rd graders) and looking at the audience every now and then (tough to find your place again after looking up isn't it).
After, Denise and I named the single piece of advice we would give a young presenter if we ever had the chance to contribute in the future. My advice was NEVER write out your entire speech and read it to the audience. Denise advised to engage the audience (not one kid told a joke?!?).
Reading: What Matters Now
This is a collection of essays freely given away and edited by Seth Godin. They discuss issues worth discussing during the next year.
I've read just a few, but my favorites so far are:
"We are too poor to afford education. But until we have education, we will always be poor" Nepalese Headmaster
"Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside."
Monday, December 14, 2009
Music: Holiday Music Acapella Style
Great collection of holiday acapella songs. Several winter holiday traditions represented in these songs. Christmas, Hanukkah, and even Winter Solstice (When the Christians and Pagans Met For Dinner).
Movie: Invictus
We watched the new rugby movie Invictus with Morgan Freeman and Matt Dammon yesterday. It turns out not to be a rugby movie at all. Instead, I found it to be a parable for forgiveness. Nelson Mandalla managed to forgive his and his people's oppressors in favor of a united country (perhaps conflict is not genetic).
Personally, I vividly remember this history through the rugby perspective of Afrikaan team mates. They frequently discussed South Africa's new president, flag and national anthem during the World Cup the movie shows. Their viewpoint was also stained by horrific violence.
The rugby turns out to be very ordinary. Most of the action scenes look like an over 50 old boys game with an unusual amount of grunting during the scrummaging. However, the forgiveness message is worth this complaint.
This is the powerful poem that drives the movie. Invictus by William Ernest Henley. Certainly Madalla practiced what he read.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Quote: War as Genetics
It pains me to see this quote from our President. He insinuates that humans are somehow genetically predisposed to conflict. I completely disagree. Let peace be an option, and the President could have just as easily pointed towards early man's capacity to build communities.
If you have trouble believing that we are predisposed to be peaceful, take a look at Howard Zinn. Maybe he could talk you into it.
Now these questions are not new. War, in one form or another, appeared with the first man. At the dawn of history, its morality was not questioned; it was simply a fact, like drought or disease -- the manner in which tribes and then civilizations sought power and settled their differences. Barack Obama
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Music: Govt Mule
This is a concert recorded in Philadelphia by Govt Mule. I thought it sounds very familiar, like "One Way Out." Turns out the lead singer, Warren Haynes, comes from the Allman Brothers.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
TaeKwonDo: Impression Pattern
For Isaac's next test, he has an assignment to develop his own form they call an impression pattern. He chose, "Peace On Earth," in Korean, as the name of his pattern. Uncle Michael helped us with the pronunciation.
The phrase is "Jigu Pyeonghwa". The pronunciation is "gee-goo" pyoung ('young' with a P at the start)-hwah (like 'ha' with a W in the middle of it). (Thanks Uncle Michael)
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Reading: Fantasy Poetry
How about some mythos poetry for reading material? This poem refers to the Cthulhu, which is referred to often in fantasy and science fiction web sites when speaking of particularly horrific or evil things.
Guitar: Effectology
Great series on guitar effects. This seems like it would certainly interest the young mind (and the old as well).
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Development: Instructions for Google DNS
May try this on our home router for increased speed and better protection.
Jazz: A Love Supreme - Pursuance
This is a live recording of his solo on Pursuance. You can definately hear the free jazz creeping in.
Also reading for Isaac's Thursday night reading.
Jazz: A Love Supreme - Coltrane
Can't miss this in a jazz education. Part One of John Coltrane's Love Supreme. Listen for the main theme, then how it gets manipulated from one instrument to the next.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Development: Guide To Installing Chromium OS
This is a beta version of Google's Chromium OS. They describe it basically as only a browser. However, it might be interesting project with the netbook.
Philosophy: Immanuel Kant Through Comics
Douglas Wolk explains Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgment using superhero comics. He comments that, "Kant was a great thinker, and one of the very worst writers of all time." Wolk's commentary goes a long way in breaking it down.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Jazz Introduction: Charles Mingus
What is most notable in this recording? Seems like tempo to me. Also several inspiring sax solos, one made even more distinctive by using clapping instead of the drum in the background.
Jazz Introduction: Thelonious Monk
Notice the similar theme to the Parker and Gillespie song. Also listen when Monk sneaks in some distinctive sounding chords while playing mostly single notes during his solo.
Jazz Introduction: Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie
Great mixture of trumpet and saxophone. The Bird was famous for making his sax sound like a human voice, very apparent in this recording. Also a young Thelonious Monk on piano.
Jazz Introduction: Eric Dolphy Quintet with Booker Little
In an attempt to show Isaac some inspiring Jazz, here is a 5 song recommendation from NPR.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Music: Metal Free Jazz
I was showing Isaac some jazz the other day. However, we never found anything like this. It is metal free jazz. Combining 60 - 70s free jazz movement and slam dance metal. This track was one of the more calm ones from NPR's Take Five.
Development: Harris County Naturalization
Hey check out the article on November 20, 2009 from the Harris County District Clerk Loren Jackson. I developed this application at same time as the Historical Document search. Very cool.
You can go directly to the application here.
Medicine: How the H1N1 Vaccine Is Made
1.2 billion eggs required to make this vaccine (via Make magazine). Busy chickens...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Music: Tiny Desk Concert
Listening to the "Tiny Desk Concert" series from NPR's All Song Considered at work today. The Avett Brothers have amazing harmony and sounds from minimal amplification.
Music: Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros
Must check out this band, they definitely make a joyful noise. I'd love to see them in concert. Here they are on NPR's All Songs Considered.
"Home is where ever there is you"
DIY: Reuse Lightbulbs As Planters
Looks like a fun project with light bulb terrariums. Must be careful taking apart the used light bulb!
Monday, November 23, 2009
History: Empire Evolution
This movies attempts to visualize the evolution of 4 empires.
Visualizing empires decline from Pedro M Cruz on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Software: Brower as Operating System
I've discussed the concept of the browser as an operating system previously. Today Google discussed the implementation of this idea. Here is their over simplified explanation of the open source Chrome OS.
The concept is currently most appropriate for netbooks. We will put it on Isaac's as soon as it is available (really he's been begging for a browser based operating system).
Happy Anniversary To My Love
I read this short story, from the Paris Review, last night while waiting for rugby to begin. It tells of an adventure of a father and a son crossing a dangerous river. Upon reflection I realized that I don't get into lonely and helpless situations like that, because my soul-mate is always there to help save Isaac and me (my Mom and Sister do a good job of it also).
I love her for always saving us, every time.
A poem from Paublo Neruda which we had on our original wedding invitations.
I do not love you as if you were a salt rose, or topaz
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
So I love you because I know no other way
than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Science Fair: Water Rocketry

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Movies: No Worries
Have you even noticed the similarities between the Bare Necessities and Hakuna Matata? Remarkably similar life philosophies. Even insect eating.
Reading: The Farmer's Manifesto
I'm attempting to provide Isaac with well-rounded reading experiences for his nightly reading assignments. I also think, during his school years, it will be a valuable skill to be able to comfortably read from a computer device.
This week's reading is a dairy farmer's manifesto. There are many gems about working the earth; however this is one of my favorites.
I believe that by my toil I am giving more to the world then I am taking from it, an honor that does not come to all men.
Pictures: Views From the Garden
We seemed to be more successful at growing cool caterpillars than vegetables in our summer garden. However, here are a couple new shots of both. Take a look a large version of the orange caterpillar, pretty cool.
And our best pepper.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Development: Facebook Toolkit For Microsoft Developers
This looks fun. May try a sample app in my spare time.
Star Wars: Gangster Rap
Great to hear Yoga wants to be a "baller" or "balla" (he wants to be a basketball player). As in any gangster rap, there are some slightly PG13 parts, but most is OK.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Halloween: Yoda Goes to the Streets
We had a fantastic Halloween adventure. Yoda encountered a Sith Lord, but they were easily dispatched. A few younger trick-or-treaters even recognized both the young Obi-One and Lea. We were also reminded that Lea did not actually carry a light saber.
Monday, November 09, 2009
DIY: Marshmallow Blaster
A quick, cheap, and fun project we tried out on Sunday. Because of the myriad of combinations, and the ease of re-assembly, the project allows many iterations in blaster design. We found removing some of the longer sections makes for a longer shot, while sacrificing looks and ease of operation.
(Side note: dogs love the marshmallow battles; at least ours did, but are not supposed to eat the ammunition)
Football: Family and Football
Great weekend with the family and some spectacular football.
Isaac's team, the Pearland Red Eagles (4-4), played the one loss team from Friendswood (7-1) on Saturday. In a very spirited match, the Eagles completed goal-line stands at the end of the 1st and 2nd halves to push the game into overtime. Then the Eagles scored on a drive consisting of two long runs, and a wide-open quarterback sneak behind the bruising center.
A fantastic game, more exciting than any of the pro games over the weekend (IMHO); followed by a fun celebration dinner. The Eagles play next week in Pearland at 1200 to go to their league's Superbowl.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Hero: Ft. Hood Heroine
The police officer who stopped the shooter in Ft. Hood yesterday has a twitter account @hope2forget30. This is her remarkable tagline in the twitter bio.
I live a good life....a hard one, but I go to sleep peacefully @ night knowing that I may have made a difference in someone's life.
Here's an article from "Times Online" about her actions.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Math: Facial Recognition
Here's a podcast from NPR's Engines of Our Ingenuity discussing facial recognition. Turns out they use a linear algebra algorithm to let the machine recognize the faces. Facebook has also deployed a facial recognition software which attempts to tag members in photos.
Quotes: Anniversary Quotes
Our wedding anniversary is coming up later this month, but its never too early for some love quotes.
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
War: American Soldier
The Denver Post follows a high school graduate in pictures through his enlistment, to basic training, and to Iraq. Stunning photographs.
This story had a happy ending, unfortunately, it is not the only story. Many never get told.
Grammar: When To Use an Apostrophe
In our continual pursuit of good grammar, here's a refresher on how to use an apostrophe.
Chemistry: Mad Scientist Chemistry Experiments
Neatorama suggests (correctly in my opinion) that chemistry should be taught by mad scientists. Follow the link for some very cool experiments.
Here's my favorite the unstable gummy bear. Gummy Bear + Potassium Chlorate.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Qatar: Women Working In Qatar
My sister-in-law has interest in a position in Qatar. Any other experiences?
Here are some links I've found
@FakeAPStyleBook: Poor News Room Etiquette
Consider following the FakeAPStyleBook on Twitter. Quite funny, especially in our 3rd grade pursuit of grammatical correctness.
Here's their take on news room etiquette.
It is poor newsroom etiquette to throw yourself out of the window to prove that your co-worker is Superman.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Twitter: Test With Blog Connection
Test new blog feed to @mhrugby on Twitter. This service should update once an hour automatically using
Quotes: Monday Quote Of The Day
"It's a sign of mediocrity when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation." Roberto Benigni
Also check out this guitar video. One guitar, four hands - very cool!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Quotes: Obstacle Illusions
Happy Friday! A quote of the day, complete with a play on words.
Life is full of obstacle illusions. Grant Frazier
Grammar: Which versus That
After a meeting with Isaac's teachers several weeks ago, I realized that I might need a grammar refresher in the next few years.
While I'm totally cool with nouns, verbs, and adjectives; with "restrictive elements" and "relative pronouns", I need some help (My elementary school teachers would be so embarrassed right now). It turns out that there is a great podcast addressing this very issue, Grammar Girl.
Here's her take on "Which versus That."
Programming: SQL Injection Attacks
For all of the concerned security experts out there, a lesson on SQL Injection Attacks. To all the hackers, just say no. Looks like this might be a SilverLight application, and it may ask you to download.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Reading: Oldest Surviving Complete Musical Composition
The Seikilos epitaph is the oldest known complete musical composition. It was found on a tombstone in Turkey.
Here is the original Greek notation.
This is what it looks like when translated into modern musical notation.
Listen to the tune played in midi.
Science Fair: Generate Your Own Electricity From Rocking
This one would win the science fair if you could pull it off. The rocking chair generates its own electricity to power the lamp. The designer explains the concept this way, "a rocking chair that enables the user to experience production and consumption of electricity."
Must read up on advanced nano-dynamo technology (sounds like a great super power).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Birthday: Happy Birthday Hannah
Happy Birthday Hannah!
Try this Curious George Zoomazing game when your celebrating. You can practice your signs with the different animals.
Peace: Facebook - Peace Through Technology
Great timing after the post yesterday giving "Peace a Chance." Facebook has a new site promoting peace through technology called Peace on Facebook. The site illustrates the connections and friendships made through Facebook between seemingly opposed groups.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
War: Give Peace A Chance
Seems to be a flood of stories today about conflict. Let's just meet around the bonfire with our guitars and tambourines and sing all night long.
They disabled the embed code on this, but check out John Lennon's plea.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Music: Roadtrip to Austin
We took a road trip to Austin this weekend to see a backyard concert. We saw the band Vallejo in this lady's backyard in Georgetown. It was incredible listening to an acoustic concert under the moon, with the crickets singing harmony in the background. We also stood around the bonfire, and were forced (no really twist my arm) to take a shot with the lead singer after.
Thank you Mike for the invitation, Gammy and Grandma for entertaining Leo (and breakfast), and Pete and Jenny for the fantastic company (and great stories).
Friday, October 23, 2009
Halloween: Better Method For Cutting A Pumpkin
Much improved design both for fetching the candle as well as de-seeding.
DIY: Marshmallo Blaster
This should make a nice accompnament to our potato cannon. Seems easy enough, and you can add a laser pointer for a guidance system.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Reading: Artificial Intelligence
A little more complex Thursday reading for Isaac. However, a classic computing, as well as science fiction discussion of artificial intelligence. Why the Turing test is not a good criteria for an anthropomorphic standard.
I love the science fiction argument that an intelligent alien would fail the test as well, but that wouldn't make them not intelligent, just non-human.
Music: Scary Halloween Movie Themes
I hear the Exorcist theme and it still creeps me out a bit. This site has seven of the scariest. Of course, John Williams is the man, and you can find Jaws in there as well.
Gardening: Dymaxion Hammock and Wolfram|Alpha
I can't think of much better than a giant dymaxion hammock in my back yard.
Want to figure out what dymaxion means? Today is also "Homework Day" at Wolfram|Alpha. The search engine is built on top of an extremely complex mathematical engine. Today they have discussions and lesson plans for using the search engine for learning.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Music: Let Us Rejoice
Too funny to pass up. The Hava Negeilah Blues from Bob Dylon.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Reading: New Horizons To Pluto
Thursday reading for Isaac. This article discusses NASA's New Horizons project to flyby the planet (well, dwarf planet) Pluto. The spacecraft is traveling at 51,000 miles per hour (New York to L.A. in 3.5 seconds).
Quote Of The Day: Understanding
This quote applies in technology (call it job security), but seems to be at work in government as well.
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. Upton Sinclair
Weekend: Playing Catch
After a furiously busy beginning to our weekend, we finally got to settle down Sunday to a game of dominoes and some catch. For all the events and schedules we create, I find none of it really beats a spontaneous game of catch.
I'm reading this science fiction book, through RSS subscription, by Cory Doctorow. In this scene, the characters simply play catch.
when it smacked his glove, it felt so right, the sound and the vibration and the fine cloud of dust that rose up from the mitt’s pocket, Christ, it was like a sacrament.The act of playing seems to illustrate how inappropriate words are sometimes.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Music: Spanish Sponge Bob Singing a Cover Song
Can you figure out what song Sponge Bob is covering? Quiero que me quieras! Love it, I'm going to start saying this to Denise along with the other one she taught me, "Te amo mucho con todo me corazon."
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Reading: Table Top Black Hole
A new installment of Thursday reading material for Isaac. The "First black hole for light created on Earth."
Football: Pearland Football Eagles
Here are some pictures from the team's blog, go check it out. It usually has weekly updates on the games.
Since Isaac is the center he doesn't easily get in many pictures. Look, there's his hand on the ball.
Oh here he is in the team's huddle after the game. It sure is fancy having your name on the back of the jerseys.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Development: Virtual Storefront
I've been asked to keep an eye on these Virtual Storefront applications. This one is built on PayPal's API as a payment mechanism. Looks like it could be easily set-up on FaceBook to sell T-Shirts or supplies.
No reason to develop these shopping cart and storefront applications from scratch anymore.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Space: 50 Years Of Space Exploration
Excellent graphic application from National Geographic demonstrating the various space manned and un-manned missions into our neighboring planets. You can zoom in to read the names and follow the path of the various voyages.
Music: Queens Of The Stone Age Mashup
Cool and easy-going mashup, perfect after a busy three day weekend. Queens of the Stone Age mashed with Johnny Cash guitar.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Quotes: Friday Quote of the Day
I find the definition of Good and Bad deeds can be skewed by perspective. I would rather say anything worth doing is worth doing with zeal.
Let a good man do good deeds with the same zeal that the evil man does bad ones. The Belzer RabbiI think I like this one better.
You say "looks like somebody has too much time on their hands" but all I hear is "I'm sad because I don't know what creativity feels like." Dan Wineman
Space: How Far Away Is The Moon
Denise had a great question this morning while we were watching the Lunar collision with Isaac, "How far away is the moon?" The question invites an interesting study in perspective.
- We know it takes about an hour to get to rugby practice (about 50 miles)
- We know its about 200 miles to Austin from Houston
- The moon, however, is 238,857 miles (depending on where and when you measure)
- Mars on the other hand is 34,646,418 miles
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Space: LCROSS Crashing Into the Moon
This page gives several methods for watching the LCROSS collision into the moon on Friday morning. Hopefully, we can watch it with Isaac before heading to school and work.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Just a quick post to the man of my dreams! I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays today. You are such an amazing person. You are a fantastic father, my very best friend, and the most loving husband a wife could ask for. You are my sunshine and my anchor when life seems strange and confusing. Most importantly, you are the glue to holds our family together and keep us on the path of positive adventures. Today our family honors you and the love you so unconditionally and loyally share with us.
Today we celebrate you Amor! Feliz Cumpleanos. I love you forever.
Reading: NASA Discovers New Ring Around Saturn
Using the Spitzer Space Telescope, NASA has discovered a massive ring around Saturn.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Food: Making Kimchi
Here's a kimchi recipe from Granny Choe. On her website, she even gives instructions for kimchi pancakes. Interesting!
Quote: Monday Quote Of The Day
We've always looked suspiciously at children who do not have their share of bumps and bruises, fearing that they are not being as adventurous as they should. Thankfully, when the inevitable bruises come, our family is always there to kiss it and make it fell better.
Thank you to our family this weekend, for healing our worries and bringing a warm smile to our faces. You guys are worth more than all the treasures in the kingdom.
It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars. Garrison Keillor
Friday, October 02, 2009
Puzzle: Petals Around The Rose
A classic problem solving game. Five dice are thrown. The name of the game, "Petals Around The Rose," is important in the solution. The answer is always zero or a non-negative even number.
Must try this one with the kids. However, once you solve the puzzle, you must be sworn into the club, and promise to never give away the solution.
1. 6
2. 6
3. 8
4. 8
5. 2
6. 2
7. 4
8. 12
9. 6
10. 4
11. 6
12. 0
Quote: We Do The Best
Love this image from the Pioneer Woman. It reminds me that we frequently do the very best, I often tell Isaac, "don't be a star today, be a super-star!" However, not matter what, we always "do the best we can."
DIY: A Nation Of Engineers
This morning, Isaac asked Denise, "why do the teachers make us memorize all this stuff, if robots will do it all in the future." She gave the perfect response, "Who's going to build the robots?" (she's good that way).
First a quote from Pablo Picasso, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." I believe every child is also a maker and an engineer.
This article from Make Magazine discusses the concept of a "Nation of Engineers". In case you think all the good stuff has already been developed, here's a list from the National Academy Of Engineers. Let's go make something.
1. Make solar energy economical
2. Provide energy from fusion
3. Develop carbon sequestration methods
4. Manage the nitrogen cycle
5. Provide access to clean water
6. Restore and improve urban infrastructure
7. Advance health informatics
8. Engineer better medicines
9. Reverse-engineer the brain
10. Prevent nuclear terror
11. Secure cyberspace
12. Enhance virtual reality
13. Advance personalized learning
14. Engineer the tools of scientific discovery
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Trees: California Redwood Photograph
Amazing photograph of a California redwood tree in National Geographic. The little red dots are people.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Science Discussion: Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Wanted to have a discussion with Isaac regarding the recent events in Samoa (tsunami) and Indonesia (earthquake). This website from the US Geological Survey should help describe, in great detail, the relationship between the two.
Update: Here's a Wolfram|Alpha Search showing earthquake frequency and magnitude during the past 24 hours.
Anatomy: Japanese Monsters
Comparative anatomy of Japanese monsters. After a quick look, I don't see a mechanism for the fire production in Godzilla. The fire organ should be somewhere next to the lungs.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Reading: Thursday Reading
Several articles for Isaac to consider reading Thursday night for his reading assignment.
African Dynamo - story of a boy in Africa who makes his own wind farm
Four Things Everyone Needs To Know About Sharks
Also here's 15 podcasts which will make you smarter.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Music: In Your Eyes - Jeffrey Gaines
Trying to learn to play this version of the Peter Gabriel song. Here are the chords.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Cooking: Simple Sesame Noodles
Denise found this cool website called Pioneer Woman. This is one of her recipes that sound good, and easy. Maybe we'll find time this weekend to give it a try.
Star Wars: Clone Wars Movies
It looks like they are posting the Clone Wars movies on the Star Wars website. There's also been much discussion about the season's new character Cad Bane.
Quote: Friday Quote From Jack
I think we've posted this one from Jack Kerouac before, but here's a picture from Lance Armstrong's twitter feed. Great quote!