Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Philosophy: Immanuel Kant Through Comics

Douglas Wolk explains Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgment using superhero comics. He comments that, "Kant was a great thinker, and one of the very worst writers of all time." Wolk's commentary goes a long way in breaking it down.


BrotherSister said...

Nice selection, Mark! I think the consensus is that Kant, which brilliant, was indeed a terrible writer, which is why it's nice to have guys like this make it a bit more interesting! You know, it's been a while since I've read Kant, but I read some of his writings in a class I took on aesthetic philosophy, and this explanation sounded right on.

Love, Michael

BrotherSister said...

...OK, didn't proofread the last comment very well. I meant "while brilliant."

Minus 5 for grammar.