Friday, October 30, 2009

Grammar: Which versus That

After a meeting with Isaac's teachers several weeks ago, I realized that I might need a grammar refresher in the next few years.

While I'm totally cool with nouns, verbs, and adjectives; with "restrictive elements" and "relative pronouns", I need some help (My elementary school teachers would be so embarrassed right now). It turns out that there is a great podcast addressing this very issue, Grammar Girl.

Here's her take on "Which versus That."


Anonymous said...

You know we do have an english teacher in our family and someone very close to you majored in english in college. Mom

Mark said...

I look forward to a blog from those people when they stop goofing off and retire already :)

BrotherSister said...

Speaking of an english teacher, Michael decided he wants to write a book when he retires. He's keeping a big notebook with ideas in it and it's already becoming quite full! He won't let me see any of it until he gets a full chapter actually written. Hmm, should be interesting! I'm glad he's doing something he loves!

Love you guys!
