Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My beautiful husband shared a passage from one of his birthday books ("Zen Guitar") with me early this morning. The words of the passage are very insightful and we discussed how our own great fusion dances daily.

"A band is not merely a collection of individuals. Its essential character must be for the whole to exceed the sum of the parts. When the right people get together, be it in music, or sports, or business, or marriage, or intimacy, or whatever....a kind of spiritual fusion takes place. This fusion can not be manufactured. It simply happens from the chemistry of nature. Most groups have no chemistry. Like a random collection of molecules, they don't combine to make anything special. Every now and then, though, two hydrogen molecules will collide with one molecule of oxygen. The resulting mix takes on character far beyond its basic elements. So it is with human beings as well. Human chemistry is not a science. No one knows how this magic happens. But when it does, we feel the presence of something divine, and everyone who's there knows it. Cherish this chemistry....You are on to something big."

WOW~ what a thought to have such a deep "spiritual fusion" with someone. Every day I feel that collision of molecules take place in my heart for Mark.

Thank you Amor for sharing such an inspiring passage with me......had to put it on the blog so others can be aware of this collision for themselves. Talk about self-enlightenment! Find your matching molecule and rejoice in it's happy collision.


1 comment:

BrotherSister said...

We're enjoying our collision and fusion dance going on here at our house! Sure is fun!

Love, Nancy