Tuesday, October 07, 2008


What a grand day! We celebrate the birthday of my beautiful Lover.
In my culture we sing a traditional morning birthday song called "Las Mananitas." It is truly a great day to sing and honor my gorgeous hubbie.

Las Mañanitas Lyrics:
Estas son las mañanitas, que cantaba el Rey David,

Hoy por ser día de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti,
Despierta, mi bien, despierta, mira que ya amaneció,
Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metió.

Que linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte,
Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte,
Ya viene amaneciendo,
ya la luz del día nos dio,Levántate de mañana, mira que ya amaneció.

This is the morning song that King David sang

Because today is your saint's day we're singing it for you
Wake up, my dear, wake up, look it is already dawn
The birds are already singing and the moon has set
How lovely is the morning in which I come to greet you

We all came with joy and pleasure to congratulate you
The morning is coming now, the sun is giving us its light
Get up in the morning, look it is already dawn.

Wishing you a fantastic birthday parade Lover! Hope your week is filled with love, laughter, happiness, family, friends, and CAKE! We will celebrate in full birthday party mode when Isaac comes home!

Te Amo Birthday Boy!
;) Denise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Te amo mi hijo! I love that song...and thanks for including the translation. Love , Mom