Friday, November 05, 2010

Sailing: Trip to Key West

I told my friend Mike the next time I go to Key West, it should be on a boat. I wanted to post this email conversation we had while discussing a home-made sailing documentary I noticed on line called Hold Fast. I haven't watched this yet so it very well may be NSFW, but their tag line is Stories of maniac sailors, anarchist castaways, and the voyage of the S/V Pestilence... (sounds fun doesn't it).

Mike's classic response was this, can't wait to go. Have to learn to sail first, but there's always YouTube.

If I could leave right now without losing my job I would. Caroline would have to go though...and wearing a big blue hat.

Caroline's job would be to feed the birds and talk to the sea animals for "proper" directions. And everyone knows that the only way to treat a guest is by having a tea party. Special guests would include "Quiet" her stuffed rabbit, and whatever interesting animals happen to pass by. It's interesting...sharks always had the best table manners.

Isaac would have a very different ward off scallywaggs and pirates with rock and roll music played on a special guitar and amp powered by moonlight collected by thousands of diamonds in designs from a dream he had as a baby about Woodstock. Of course; he would play a ballad; but only if a mother sea turtle asked.

Our job however is the best...sit back and steer the boat with a toe while taking it all in. And harmonize of course.

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