Friday, March 19, 2010

Birthday: Melon Death Star

How about this for Isaac's birthday cake? I understand its not officially a "cake," but the kids would have fun creating their own Death Star.

Missing Isaac by the way; while he's off vacationing in Mexico. Can't wait to give him a hug.


Anonymous said...

I'll buy the round watermelon, but didn't see instructions. Know you must miss talking to him and hugging him terribly. Mom

BrotherSister said...

Wow, that's pretty cool!

I know how you feel missing Isaac. The kids were with Mom and Grandma for a week and I missed them terribly! They had a fantastic time, though, so I'm glad for that.

Brian got a little bit of sun at the park yesterday and Michael commented at lunch how much he looked like Isaac now--pretty amazing, really. The boys all really do favor each other.

Love you!
