Thursday, March 11, 2010

Downtown: Luxurious Accomodations

This site, Downhill Both Ways, has a great collection of essays about everyday life. This one seems especially interesting, and makes me reflect on travel through my own downtown (the bit about the bibles is not the important part, it just adds to the irony).

Should the royalty come down to visit the commoners, they should not be embarrassed to sit on their floor.


BrotherSister said...

Isn't the great things about unique places like these kind of downtown areas that you can be whoever you want to be without judgement? What good is it if you're not the "right" kind of weird? Seems to me to be more fun and open if everyone is free to express themselves without someone else looking down on them.

Mark said...

Great commentary from BrotherSister, as always. Interesting thoughts regarding the "right kind of weird." Thank you for your perspective.