Monday, December 15, 2008

Cartoon: On the Road of Knives

As much as we try to discourage violence in our media choices, a well done melee is entertaining every once in a while, isn't it?  Check out this series?


Anonymous said...

Ewww! That looks scary! Mom

BrotherSister said...

One of our babysitters did something similar to this, although not things killing each other. She had some on-line buddies and they developed an entire script and each drew their own characters and such. Pretty interesting.

We spent almost two hours this morning at the eye doctor getting Hannah's eyes checked. Who knew an eye exam could take so long??? Especially with four kids in tow! All that to find out she's far-sighted, but that's fairly normal for this age and it should correct itself as she gets older. They want to check her again in six months--HA! Do they think I'm crazy? I think we could wait at least a year for another one of those visits. (oh my, is that me disobeying doctor's orders? Oh well!) :)

Love you guys!