Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Looking Forward to Science Fairs: Sundial Robot

We had an outstanding visit to Isaac's school last night.  The new program he's in seems to put a huge emphasis on problem solving and creative thinking.  

BTW: I'm not sure how he qualified to be in this program, I don't believe they tested him or anything.  Maybe he was referred from his last teacher?  I'll have to ask his current instructor during a meeting.
However, it happened, it will be an excellent opportunity.  Even UIL problem solving competitions and a mandatory science fair.

While we have already built a few robots worthy of a science fair, here's a sundial robot made from the Lego's Mindstorm kit.  Although this one involves programming trigonometric functions, maybe we can modify the design slightly for Isaac's level.


BrotherSister said...

How about a potato cannon science fair project? That would blow everyone away--maybe literally! :)


Anonymous said...

Just in case it was missed in the last post.....and a friendly reminder to you Darling. :)

"Love, you are a fantastic father! You provide knowledge and support for your son. You make wise choices and decisions concerning what is acceptable and enriching for your family. You provide unconditional love to your child....without expectation or manipulation. You provide focus on healthy, positive, and nurturing experiences for all the family. You are a positive example of what all fathers should do in order to promote a healthy father/son relationship. You also support Isaac’s decisions and allow him to grow all his other family/friend relationships (on all sides of Isaac’s family). You encourage your son to love every one fully and unselfishly. Keep up the good work, the positive attitude, and the educational awareness! You are the world’s best Dad!

I am with Gammy on this! Let us stay up an hour later for something historical. I do recall staying up as a child several times to hear important speeches, to attend a mid-night A&M bonfire, or even halting a school day for teachers to turn on the TV set to allow us to watch a NASA shuttle launch. What great memories I have from all these enriching events. Funny thing, these events also served to assist in future reports and projects in my education.

Love you Corazon. ~Denise "

Anonymous said...

Problem solving and creative thinking--definitely his father's son. Way to go, Isaac, what a terrific adventure is ahead of you. Love, Gammy