Monday, October 17, 2005

Quote of the Day

I found this in my daily quote feed and it reminded me of Michael's paper.

"Any community's arm of force - military, police, security - needs people
in it who can do necessary evil, and yet not be made evil by it. To do only the
necessary and no more. To constantly question the assumptions, to stop the slide
into atrocity."

In fact, Ms. Bujold has several interesting quotes


Anonymous said...

Very interesting and enlightening quote. I think that's exactly what happens...or hopefully happens. BH

Anonymous said...'s an interesting and important question whether those folks are doing evil (although a lesser evil than the one they're preventing) or good when they kill in the course of their missions, for example. I think it can be the latter, but you've really got to work at retarding the slide toward atrocity. It's a powerful pull, apparently.

Love, Michael