Monday, March 19, 2012

TSA: Root Simple Chooses The Groping

Reveling discussion from Root Simple regarding the choice of TSA security methods. Root Simple is a blog discussing DIY living; including gardening, chickens, and 'cultural alchemy.' The groping is "sustainable, and locally sourced security!" Fantastic.

I've come to the conclusion that it was perfectly logical for me to opt for the groping, considering my other lifestyle choices. It's organic, if you will. Sustainable and locally sourced security! But seriously, when you choose to lead a more considered life, one closer to the ground, you often trade speed and convenience for what I can only call authenticity of experience. Sometimes that authenticity is messy or frustrating or slow, but it's solid and tactile and often unforgettable. When you're in it, you know you're alive. It's the difference between struggling to light a fire in the wind and watching one of those survivor shows.
Further on the importance of human touch.
Human touch is always charged. Always important. During my first pat down, I stood there, arms outstretched, thinking about how the TSA officer's energy and mine were combined at that moment. I wondered what secret communications were passing between our bodies--communications which would never rise to the level of the conscious. TSA Lady and I were in relationship. Human to human. And it's hard to articulate this, but that seemed important. It brought meaning my day, meaning and interest which I'd not have experienced otherwise.


BrotherSister said...

Hmm, I guess I always considered the TSA pat down a negative type of energy flowing toward me. Interesting perspective, though. I suppose it doesn't have to be negative energy.

Anonymous said...

I certainly believe in "hugs", but "patdowns"? Mom

Anonymous said...

love the birthday pictures--how about the sleepover pictures. How did Dad and Denise do with six boys for the night? love,Mom