Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Star Wars: Alphabet

Bonus points if you can name each character. via LaughingSquid

1 comment:

BrotherSister said...

Gave the boys a quick break from schoolwork for a little Star Wars ABCs. Here's what they came up with (I have no idea how to spell most of what they said, so the spelling is approximated) A-Admiral Akbar, B-BobaFet, C-C3P0, D-Darth Vader, E-Darth Siddeus, G-Guido, H-Han Solo, I-IG99 or Assassin droid, J-Jaba the Hutt, K-Ki Adi Mundi (Christian said he has 2 hearts, the 2nd in his brain), L-Luke Skywalker, O-OB Won, P-Princess Lea, Q-Qui-Gon-Jin, R-R2D2, S-Stormtrooper, W-Wookie, Y-Yoda