Did you see the Bruno Mars perform on American Idol last night with the dog and the brass section sitting on the couch. Very nice!
21142824813 by yardie4lifever2
Friday, April 29, 2011
Music: Bruno Mars Dog On The Couch
Philosophy: Money, Love or Knowledge
Great stuff from Scrivle on the pursuit of happiness. Choose Love!
Choose Knowledge, and you’ll have the flexibility of picking between Money and Love at will.
Choose Love, and you’ll go on the slow but consistent road to having it all.
Choose Money, and you’ll bankrupt yourself trying to reach the other two.

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Movie: Harry Potter Trailer
Here's the trailer for the final Harry Potter. Somehow, I never noticed the similarity of the wands to light sabers. Harry why do you have a red light saber?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Medical: Heal
Cool video which describes many surgical orthopedic techniques in an interesting story. Hopefully, rarely used all on the same patient.
Heal - Animated Trauma, from Ghost Productions on Vimeo.
via Neatorama.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Music: Steve Earle NPR
NPR's Tiny Desk Concert with Steve Earle. The second song is a memorable love song with these lyrics.
I love you with every thing; all my weakness and all my strength.
I can't promise you anything except my last breath will bear your name.
Games: Tetris Heaven
Should be embeddable and play here (uses flash). If not here's the original page.
Embed code doesn't seem to work, try on the website.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Trees: World's Tallest Tree
Check out this tree. Sounds like a fun summer quest, in search of the tallest trees in the world.
Poetry: Vintage Man
Poetry by Hafiz, link via EveryDayIsAwesome. Keep sculpting light.
The Vintage Man
The difference
Between a good artist
and a great one
The novice
Will often lay down his tool
Or brush
Then pick up an invisible club
On the mind’s table
And helplessly smash the Easels and
Whereas the vintage man
No longer hurts himself or anyone
And keeps on
Friday, April 15, 2011
Birthday: Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday Mom. As you teach us to say, "We love you as high as the sky, and as wide as Texas." We hope the day fills your cup with love and beauty; because, you have certainly kept ours overflowing.
Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee
Calls back the lovely April of her prime.
~William Shakespeare
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sport: Throwing Kinetic Chain
This article in The Atlantic site describes the "kinetic chain" sequence of events to successfully throw a ball (or hit a tennis ball, or swing a golf club).
Interesting test to see how quickly you could teach yourself to throw left-handed with this knowledge.
In the kinetic chain, momentum is built up in the larger muscles of the body, then transferred to increasingly smaller pieces. This transfer of momentum creates a whip-like action.
- Rotate the legs and hips back in the direction of the throw (body should be rotated at least 90 degrees away from target)
- Torso rotation- from waist to shoulders (since its mass is less than that of the legs momentum makes it rotate faster than the hips and legs did)
- Upper arm comes past the head (elbow should be above or level with the shoulder)
- Forearm and wrist, which snap forward at tremendous speed (elbow should be more extended - not close to the head)
This Red Bull advertisement shows the sequence in slow motion in the comparatively slight built Tim Lincecum.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Birthday: Happy Birthday ISAAC!

How about these (I'm sure there's plenty more:
- How to tie a fishing knot
- Learned (and forgot) how to spell every state in the union
- Learned a shot-gun snap and a pancake block
- Started learning how to solve algebra equations
- How to throw a rugby spin pass
- Beat us fair and square in dominoes
- How to hunt for fossils from an unlikely roadside expert
- How to write your own HTML page
- Learned a triangle choke submission hold
- How to mow the yard
- How to grow tomatoes from seed (and that they need more sun to produce better fruit)
- Learned to play scales on a guitar (and Sweet Home Alabama)
- Learned to use vocabulary other than 'good' to describe your school day
- Learned to give amazing and deep meaningful hugs
There are many others, but this is a good start. You are an awesome son, keep it up! Happy Birthday!
Check out this music mixing application (via LifeHaker) as we're both learning to make a mash-up.

Thursday, April 07, 2011
Games: HTML5 3D Cycleblob
Interesting 3D Tron lightcycle online game and NO Flash. Cool display of HTML5, but will only work with browsers which run HTML5 (Firefox 4).
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Maps: Conflict History
This is a pretty cool Flash application which shows a historical conflict timeline superimposed on a Google map. Also includes informational pieces from each conflict (not sure how this is generated, but it would be cool if it mashes with Wikipedia).
They have a conflict from 3000 B.C., the Kurukshetra War in India.
Programming: HTML5 Canvas Flip Example
In celebration of Isaac's birthday (and because I've been creating some HTML5 sample projects at work) I created a sample flip book over on Isaac's website.
It requires a browser which runs HTML5 (I use Firefox 4.0). Also this is code modified from a similar subject on HTML5Rocks. I took away the images to simplify and added pictures instead of text.
Music: Werewolves Of London Studio Track
A studio track of one of our favorite songs, "...his hair was perrrfect *DIDT*."
No piano on this one. Warren Zevon's howl is even more accentuated without the piano part.
via StudioMultiTracks
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Monday, April 04, 2011
Picture: Monday's Incredible Times Pictures
A few pictures as a reminder from gapingvoid, "we live in incredible times."
via gapingvoid
via everydayisawesome
via ThisIsNotPorn
Friday, April 01, 2011
Study: Wolfram Course Assistant Apps
Need to check some of these apps out from Wolfram. They have Algebra, Astronomy, Calculus (even multi-variable calculus), and Music theory.
Math: Binary Hand Dance
Isaac and I learned to count binary on our fingers last year, but this video certainly puts a new spin on it. Always good math stuff from ViHart.