Onwards from AKQA on Vimeo.
For the runners who persevere. This was linked on Lance Armstrong's Twitter feed (pretty cool).
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Cartoon: For The Runners
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Music: One Love - Playing for Change
This is a cover of one of our favorite songs to sing with Isaac.
It was released by the group Playing for Change. According to their website, they have an an admirable goal to, "...bring peace through the world through music."
Hiking: Camino de Santiago
This blog article describes a trail which can be hiked across Spain. This looks like a spectacular vacation (although a long one).
Take a look at the movie these hikers created discussing their journey. I especially enjoy the shell trail markers.
Of course, the Camino has many websites describing it, and here is a map of the trail. Appropriately, it ends at the ocean.
Finally, if you're trying to learn Spanish, or interested in Spanish culture this is a great blog to read.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Science Fair: Homopolar Motor
Isaac told me last night he has the opportunity to participate in a science fair this year. Here is my write up to guide him through a potential project.
I. Design
a. The only parts needed are a battery, copper wire, and a circular magnet (I had ordered some magnets during the weekend if you want to use those).
b. See this video for the operation of the simple motor, and the variety of design options.
II. Explanation of Electro-magnetic principals
a. Basically explained by using force vector diagrams, where the interaction between the force in the electrical circuit and the magnetic force of the magnet create a tangent force perpendicular to the magnet giving the torque (spinning to the copper wire).
i. See the second half of this article for demonstration and illustration
ii. Here’s another explanation in Wikipedia
III. History
a. A similar experiment creating rotation from electro-magnetism was created by Michael Faraday in 1821
IV. Additional questions and experiments for Isaac
a. How can you make the wire spin faster?
b. What happens when adding a bigger battery, or stronger magnet, or alternative shaped wires?
c. How does this apply to other types of motors? DC, AC, etc.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Birthday: Isaac's Birthday 2009
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Here are some pictures from Abuela's camera from Isaac's birthday. My personal favorites are of Isaac playing the banjo in our newly created band. We also got some more of Gammy; however, not surprisingly, look who she's holding again (Lucky kid). Also some majestic pictures of Leo at the end.
We want to also thank you all for a fantastic time. What a tremendous joy it is having a house full of loving, happy people.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Genealogy: Our Branch of the Hughen Family Tree
Last night after watching a show about the Highland games in Scotland, Denise started looking up some information about the Hughen family tree. Dad helped confirm some of the names which he knew.
So here is our tiny branch of the Hughen tree, for simplicity, I only included the males with the Hughen surname. Links when possible to online sources.
- Samuel Hughen or Hughens arrived in Charleston, SC in July 1772. He is thought to have sailed to the US from Larne, County Antrim, Ireland in a large Protestant movement to the United States.
- Robert Hughen - born 1784
- James Hughen - born 1800
- George Washington Hughen - born 1837 - the link shows George as a Private in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He seemed to serve in the 33rd Arkansas Infantry. It also documents his son Wallace (Frank). He was also the first to move his family to Texas in the late 1890s.
- Wallace G. (Frank) Hughen - born 1870
- Victor Alvin Hughen - born 1900
- James Frank Hughen - born 1946
- Mark Timothy Hughen - born 1969 - Most of Mark's online presence is in the referee reports of the Texas Rugby Referees
- Isaac Alan Hughen - born 2001
Quote: Be Who You Say You Are
I usually send my salesperson extraordinaire wife sales tips from this blog. However, today they have a bit of advice for all of us. It primarily involves being honest, be who you say you are. The examples they give in the article are meant for a work environment, but probably applicable in many areas.
Here's my favorite.
Don't charge for hand leaf raking, but use a leaf blower when the client isn't home.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
DIY: Magnet Tricks
Magnet Tricks from the Evil Mad Scientist. My favorite is the Homopolar motor, many examples of these on YouTube.
Video: PBS Streaming Video Site
Great site from PBS for streaming video. Looks like they even have past editions of shows such as Nova and Frontline, as well as others. Perhaps inspired by the Hulu interface, it could make for great watching.
Happy Earth Day
Happy Earth Day!
Take a look at this wikipedia entry describing some of the history of Earth day. It began in 1970, ironically spurred on by an article in the NY Times regarding a "global cooling" scare.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Movie: The Realm - Cisco Advertisement
This is an incredibly intelligent ad campaign from Cisco. They show short action cartoons which relate to various real world computer security threats. The cartoon characters are also linked to actual engineers.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Quote of the Day: Isaac's Birthday Celebration
This quote is extremely appropriate for our celebrations this weekend. How fantastic to have family and friends fill our home with love. Truly spectacular to see so many smiling faces.
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good health has vanished. Og MandinoPictures to come soon.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Games: Tone Matrix
Interesting little music game.
By playing with the boxes, do you see how the application was developed with its pattern of rows and columns?
Boxes on the same row have the same tone, but the timing is different. Make a line of boxes on the same row.
Boxes on the same column have different tones, but the same timing. Make a line of boxes on the same column.
If you create a diagonal line, guess what it will do?
Happy Birthday Mom
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
With all this technology, we don't buy too many birthday cards these days. Its too easy to create your own.
As you can see, Mom/Gammy has been very elusive during picture time. However, we managed to get a few of her. Also, I can't help but notice a certain grandchild she seems to appear with the most.
Happy Birthday Mom! We love you!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Reverse Evolution: Chicken-osaurus

The growth of the tail is tied into the problem of the spinal chord, and spinal chord birth defects in human are a major medical problem. Learning more about what prompts and stops tail growth could give us important insights about serious human birth defects.
The final quote comes from the Discovery article as Mr. Horner describes his quest for learning.
I don't like providing answers. ... I like questions. I like asking them, trying to figure out answers, trying to figure out what we are really asking, and seeing what new questions come up.
Music: Anyone Else But You - Ukulele
This is one of our favorite songs from the movie Juno. It's covered here with a ukulele and an interesting collaboration that makes YouTube great.
Also a quote of the day, which may have been posted before, but can't hurt to repeat.
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. Abraham Maslow.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Links: Homeschool and Ukulele
Here's an interesting link to six great and geeky home school websites. Looking through the list, these would be interesting to anybody wanting to teach their kids extra science and math.
Also a ukulele link, must learn this version of Lionel Richie's "Stuck On You".
Happy Monday!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Space: Hubble Telescope 'Crown of Thorns' Galaxy
Mom desperately wants to write a blog, and I'll help her out for now until she learns the technology.
NASA's Hubble telescope photographed a galaxy bordering between spiral and elliptical. The halo is formed from a collection of individual stars.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Religion: Jewish Celebration of Birkat Hachama
This evening the Jewish faith celebrates Birkat Hachama or the Blessing of the Sun. This celebration only occurs once every 28 years; when, by Jewish tradition, God initially created the Sun.
This year, the Birkat Hachama coincides with Passover, an extremely rare confulence, happening only 12 previous times in recorded Jewish history (over 5000 years).
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Monday, April 06, 2009
Science: Stephen Wolfram A New Kind Of Science
Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind Of Science is online including linked notes and search functions.
This feels like the future of online publishing. It is far to convenient to confine only to computer science applications and research. The ability to search the full text, index, as well as the author's notes is amazing.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Learn ASL: Fruits and Animals
We have a long way to go, but here are fruits. No better way to learn than to be totally immersed.
Here are animals.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Development: IPhone
There have been some discussions at my work regarding an IPhone application. Here is a link to a new course at Standford regarding IPhone development.
The only prohibitive factor is the price of a Mac, they are sure proud of those machines.
Star Wars and Music: Chewbacca on a Strat
Being fans of both Star Wars and electric guitars, we thought you might appreciate this short clip.
And, speaking of a galaxy far, far away, an other worldly quote of the day.
If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, also we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world. C.S. Lewis