Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dreams: Do Dreams Come True?

Here's a link to a NY Times article with an informal study on dreams. Isn't dream interpretation fun?

It is often used in the book I'm reading, The Hero With a 1000 Faces. The author seems to take the Freudian method of dream interpretation (that dreams reveal hidden insights), and finds relationships with comparative world mythology.

The researchers in the NY Times article come to an interesting conclusion which I might agree with, but Denise would totally not. They say that people have millions of dreams, and it is merely a matter of coincidence that a few of them will work their way into the thread of reality.

That said, whether it may be coincidence or fate, I'm glad my dream came true with my amor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amor Corazon, You are my dream lover as well. I could not ever imagine or dream up a love so beautiful. ~ Te Amo Con todo mi Corazon!