Monday, February 02, 2009

Ubuntu: Community Philosophy

I found myself considering the notion of a "normal" childhood this morning. My thinking was that there are so many varieties of family and community, that "normal" is almost impossible to accurately define.

I found this interesting subject on a friends blog, relating to the subject of community and, oddly enough, operating systems. The word ubuntu comes from the Zulu word meaning "humanity to others," it is also a popular Linux operating system. The ubuntu philosophy describes self in terms of community.

I am who I am because of those around me
Who really wants to be "normal" anyway, I choose to surround myself and my family with diversity, positive energy, and sometimes a bit of chaos.


Anonymous said...

Interesting enough.....someone's chaos is another's peace. It is TRULY all about the acceptance of diversity. It can be as simple as not putting the keys in the same place every time just because we enjoy the treasure hunt! It can be choosing to not worry about being 3 minutes late to yoga. I would rather not worry.....I might miss the pretty roses blooming on the side of the road. Choosing acceptance that not every one's life is just like can be hard for some. What a great leap to the next level to "LIVE AND LET LIVE!"

Viva la Vida Libre!

BrotherSister said...

It only takes a day or two with our family to provide you with a good dose of chaos!! :) OK, hopefully good chaos.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

What are you saying--that we are not normal? Nay, I say, nay! We are a family of great acceptance, love, diversity, and great chaos! What better normal is there? Love, Mom