Monday, February 27, 2006

A Great Rugby Win

A good win this weekend against a team we have never beaten in a full side match, as they reminded us of afterwards.

Followed by a wonderful Sunday, full of sunshine. We walked the long back roads to Porter, fighting for space with the four wheelers. Leo attempted to slide into every mud puddle available.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That sounds like an exciting game--bet the crowd was going wild. Congratulations. Leo, have you been taking your mud puddle finding lessons from Isaac?? I spent the weekend at Nancy's trying to get everyone well..think all are on the mend. Remember the cause for a root canal for her several years ago? Ask her what the dentist said when she had to go back in yesterday. We thought we were getting her good medical attention. BH

BrotherSister said...

HA! I can laugh now that it's over (again). Well, at least part of it's over anyhow. Seems that the person who did the original root canal left a couple of cotton pieces in there--a potential source of all kinds of problems. When I went in yesterday to see an endodontist about the tooth being discolored he had to completely re-do the root canal. He'll finish it up in about a month after some medicine he left in there has time to counteract what the old cotton did. He said he'd never seen anything like this in his 30+ years of practicing. He's tempted, he said, to look into the other one to see if it was done like that, too. I was so good and didn't even mention that it was my brother who had dropped me on my head! :)