Monday, December 06, 2004

Think and Do.

A poem that maybe Michael would appreciate. It mentions both philosophy and underwear; now that's thought provoking!

Think and Do by Rob Padgett
I always have to be doing something, accomplishing some-
thing, fixing something, going somewhere, feeling purposeful,
useful, competent - even coughing, as I just did, gives me the
satisfaction of having "just cleared something up." The phone
bill arrives and minutes later I've written the check. The world
starts to go to war and I shout, "Hey, wait a second, let's think
about this!" and they lay down their arms and ruminate. Now
they are frozen in postures of thought, like Rodin's statue, the
one outside Philosophy Hall at Columbia. His accomplish-
ments are muscular. How could a guy with such big muscles be
thinking so much? It gives you the idea that he's worked all his
life to get those muscles, and now he has no use for them. It
makes him pensive, sober, even depressed sometimes, and
because his range of motion is nil, he cannot leap down from
the pedestal and attend classes in Philosophy Hall. I am so
lucky to be elastic! I am so happy to be able to think of the
word elastic! I am so happy to be able to think of the
word elastic, and have it snap me back to underwear, which
reminds me: I have to do the laundry soon.

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