Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Birthday: Happy Birthday Hannah

Happy Birthday Hannah!

Try this Curious George Zoomazing game when your celebrating. You can practice your signs with the different animals.


Anonymous said...

You're the best, Uncle Mark. Happy 3rd birthday, Hannah Li. Can you sign all of the animals?Hope you get to do a little celebrating after your doctor visit. Love, Gammy

BrotherSister said...

Thanks, Uncle Mark!!! We can do lots of animals now, but we don't know flamingo. Luckily we have a handy dandy signing book in the dining room.

She got a good report from her preschool today and worked with the speech therapist there for the first time. She seems to be more vocal when she's coming home, which is awesome! I doubt those little reports the teacher sends home daily have ever been so scrutinized as they are by Christian and Faith each day. "Mom, she drank all of her drink today, but none yesterday. I wonder why. She helped the teacher today!! YEA!" They analyze every detail. It really is cute.

Love you!
