Friday, May 22, 2009

Beaches: Top 10 Beaches for 2009

A professor from Florida compiles this list of top beaches. Oddly enough, we were discussing with Isaac last night that we would rather go hiking or to the beach instead of Disney.

This sounds like a challenging road trip!

  1. Hanalei Bay, Kauai, HI
  2. Siesta Beach, Sarasota, FL
  3. Coopers Beach, Southampton, NY
  4. Coronado Beach, San Diego, CA
  5. Hamoa Beach, Maui, HI
  6. Main Beach, East Hampton, NY
  7. Cape Hatteras, Outer Banks, NC
  8. Cape Florida State Park, Key Biscayne, FL
  9. Coast Guard Beach, Cape Cod, MS
  10. Beachwalker Park, Kiawah Island, SC


Anonymous said...

Yes, me too, but doesn't every kid dream of seeing Disneyworld and Epcot Center? Mom

BrotherSister said...

We definitely would! After having done Disney a handful of times, we can safely say that a vacation of hiking and beach-going provides for much more quality time with fewer meltdowns! Don't get me wrong, we've enjoyed our trips to Disney, but I prefer the relaxation and non-crowded spaces, as well.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Give me a 'siesta' at Siesta Beach ....or any beach for that matter! Love- Denise