Monday, February 14, 2005

A New Erector Set Design

New ErectorSet IsaacNew Erector Set Design Some pictures of Isaac and my construction work over the weekend. So far he his learning to organize and count the parts into sections, pick them out when called by name, and replicate some easy assembly, and he works the screwdriver very well (righty tighty, lefty losey). Although he can't yet follow the instructions (not an easy task for an adult), I think it's awesome stuff.

We all had a great weekend, I wish I would have had a camera during the great mudslide contest. I believe Denise was the winner with her awesome knee slide deluxe; but we all got very muddy, and had lots of laughs.


Anonymous said...

Mudslide contest??? I have such a strong visual of that. The pictures were great--Isaac didn't look sick at all, but he sounded like he still had a cold on Sunday. Very cool, inventive design on the erector set--whirligig. Faith was sick yesterday also. BH

Anonymous said...

We love you guys! Christian's had a great time with his erector set, also. That and the K'nex set are both really fun to put together--the K'nex he's starting to be able to do almost by himself with me just watching on and giving infrequent comments on how to do something.
We saw lots of Maersk containers in Guam on the side of the road--they used them for bulletin boards! :-) We see them all the time here in Seoul--you must supply our PX and many other things here on post.
Oh yea, Christian is dying to play in mud and I told him he had to wait until he was with Uncle Mark. Something about mudsliding sounds less than appealing to me, but unbelievably exciting to Christian!
love you, N