First, there is an important difference between HTML5 and Flash. HTML5 is a new web protocol which runs natively on your computer inside of modern web browsers. Flash on the other hand is owned by Adobe (used to be Macromedia) and needs to be installed on your machine in addition to the web browser. From a developer's perspective the promise of HTML5 is appealing because the user doesn't need any other software other than their browser to run the application.
With that in mind, here is a list of 20 HTML5 games compiled by ".net magazine". You need a new version of a browser to run them (some only work on chrome), because HTML5 is still evolving as a web protocol.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Games: 20 Best HTML5 Games
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Space: Politics And The Moon
In a highly politicized speech on the "Space Coast" yesterday, Newt Gingrich announced his childhood fantasies about colonizing the Moon should be public policy.
However, as "It's Okay To Be Smart" points out, Titan, Saturn's largest moon, is considered the best colonization target.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Music: Multi-Track In The Shower
Matt Mulholland recording "Chicken For My Love" doo-wap using the best acoustic setting in the house.
Cake: Life Size Stormtrooper Cake
This 6′4″ tall edible Stormtrooper was made by Oak Leaf Cakes for the Arisia Science Fiction Convention in Boston. via The Official Star Wars Blog

Friday, January 20, 2012
Music: The President Sings
The President sings a few lines of Reverend Al Green's "Let's Stay Together."
Friday, January 13, 2012
Music: 5 Artists 1 Guitar
Incredible cover song. Via Coverville. They comment, "Make them rich and successful so they can afford additional instruments."
Music: Guitar Practice
While I continue to encourage Isaac to push learning more classical guitar songs. I must admit, it is pretty cool to hear him play Aerosmith's "Dream On" on the electric guitar with the amp cranked up loud.
Although this picture from my phone is dimly lit, I like the torn blue jeans and bare feet look. Thanks to Fireman Mike for the old amp, it's still rocking.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Science: Page Turner
Kids, if you don't know what a Rube Goldberg machine is, check it out.
A long way around to turn a page. From "It's OK To Be Smart" blog, check this one out also.
Monday, January 09, 2012
Music: Marching Band Raging Against The Machine
Pretty good cover of the original. Marching band mosh-pit.
Here's the original. Didn't listen to the entire thing for raging lyrics; however, they seem to express their dissatisfaction with the machine without swearing during first several minutes. Apparently a difficult thing to do in this crowd.