Denise, Isaac and I went to little Dylan's first birthday the other weekend. Here is Stacie and Jason's new web site. Got to love the cowboy hat pictures, and smiles with food all over the face.
BTW - if you were wondering if Faith was sick because of the cheetos Saturday, think again. Denise stayed home with the same thing today. At least she found a plastic bag in the car. Here's one time I'm glad we didn't have a digital camera.
Matthew C. Grossman, Student, Austin, TX. Shift Bicycle: This bicycle
is intended to help small children learn to balance on their own
without the crutch of training wheels and the worry of skinned knees.
The bicycle features two rear wheels that are spread apart at slow
speeds to provide critical stability, and as the rider gains speed, the
two rear wheels merge together to act as one wheel until the rider
reduces speed and consequently returns the bicycle to the two wheel
In case you anybody who is having knee pain, a helpful site for the routine proceedure. Of course reinterated time and time again, "...always consult your surgeon."
Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination.
Roy M. Goodman